Monster Games Apps Приложения

Monster Crazy Hair Salon 2.0
Monster Games Apps
Monster Crazy Hair Salon Game. Monster Dracu laura loves to applythe special eyes of newt mixture on her skin whenever she's not inschool! When you design her Crazy Monster Hair Salon, you shouldinclude a makeover that would give Draculaura those beautifulflashing eyelashes. How to Play Monster Crazy Beauty Salon? Useyour mouse to click on and through the floating hair, clothing, andmakeover options for this Monster High beauty.
Monster Jane Dress Up Salon 3.0
Monster Games Apps
Jane is one jungle chic Monster Girlz student who needs a brand-newhaircuts to impress when the time will come for her to return backto school. It’s up to you ladies to decide on the wining look, sowhy don’t you just step in to meet Dr. Boolittle’s adorable adopteddaughter while playing the newest game of the Monster Haircutsseries? A hair washing session is a must if you want to obtain theperfect glow and texture for Miss Jane’s multihued hair locks, sogo ahead and wash it well with a delicate shampoo and plenty ofwarm water. Use the professional hair blower to dry up the hair andthen feel free to cut the blunt tips until you obtain the desiredlength! Use your favorite heat styling tool to arrange her hair asnicely as possible and then check out the new hair colors we’veprepared for you girls in the ‘Jane Girl Haircuts’ game and feelfree to pick your favorite shades to dye Jane’s hair locks.
Monster Catty Hair Salon 3.0
Monster Games Apps
Catty Monster Noir is a super talented werecat girl and a stylishstudent at the famous Monster School. She struggled from an earlyage for a place in the music industry and now, at her 16 year-old,Catty is a world-famous pop star and teen idol, who has many fansat Monster! Entertaining others is one of Catty’s favoriteactivities in life, but even if she enjoins doing that she’s a bitupset because she doesn’t have too much time left to take care ofherself, so can you help her out, ladies? Step in getting thisbrand new High Design Monster game started and first of all helpour stunning little diva here deal with her hair. Give it aprofessional wash and care and then cut Catty’s blunt tips in orderto obtain a better look for it. Pick up your favorite styling toolto arrange Catty’s brand-new hairstyle and then feel free to go tothe next page of the game to deal with her makeup look, too. Choosethe loveliest pastel colors for her eyeshadow and a bold lipstickcolor to create a flawless makeup look for our super talentedsinger here.